Saturday, November 14, 2009

11.14.2009 - Romans 4:1-20

These verses talk about Abraham. Abraham was a big character in old testaments, because he was one of founder of jewish nation. he was very important and even himself say that he is saved by faith not by his works. Abraham has done so much and he is such a big character in old testament and same with David, which is quoted in the verses that we are saved by faith and these people do works because of their faith and how they love God.
This reminded me of when i started to serve. I know there must be some part of me that said i want to serve God for the works and just the works, but more and more i thought that way it wasn't fair or something wasn't right. I wanted to quit so many times because i thought what's going on in my life is so much more important and that serving God can be second, but there was one day when Paul talked to me and he told me that we serve God because God choose us and something in that nature and it hit me, I wanted to serve God. God loves us and he gives us all we can do.
I don't serve God because I want to show God what i can do, but i serve God because i love God, and it makes more sense to me. I never say why am i doing this anymore... it's more understood... it makes more sense to me now. now i know why i serve God and even sometimes i still say it's unfair, but at the end... i'm wrong... God asks me to do things because he knows that i have a passion to serve God. I love God and i want to give my life for Him.

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