Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec 16 - Matthew 6:9-13

Lord's prayer...

we say the Lord's prayer every sunday right before
we end service. we always say it like we memorized it
and like there is no meaning and we say it like how we
used to say the Pledge of Allegiance during elementry school

when i used to go to elementry school i didn't see any
meaning in the pledge of allegiance... and many christians
see Lord's prayer the same way.

Lord's prayer is very important to us... it highlights every
details of being a christian... such as pledge of allegiance
shows what we should know about being an american...

our father who art in heaven hallow be thy name
thy kingdom come thy wills be done on earth as it is
in heaven... give us this day our daily bread
forgives us of our debts as we forgive others
lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil...

it says everything from forgiving others to be
thankful for God and asking God for help

we should read lord's prayers and know what we're saying...
next time you are saying lord's prayer out loud..
say every words as you mean it...

1 comment:

Rob said...

It is true that it is too easy to just repeat these words without thinking about what they mean. When we say "let your kingdom come, let your will be done..." that is really powerful, and would really mean life as we know it changing dramatically. No more wall street, inequalities in wealth, world hunger and poverty, corrupt leaders, greed and envy towards one's brethren, etc. Let us try to keep in mind that God's will is so awesome that we would be blinded if it was to come upon us in all its glory!