Thursday, December 25, 2008

Dec 25 - Mark 4:13-20

4 different ways the seed can be sown...

as Jesus talks in parable... this story is about
4 different way someone can take the word of God...
i mean if they choose to try to accept it.

first you can hear it and it can be taken away from you
like birds snatching away the seeds that are dropped along
the path.

there are so many people who listens to what we say
but all they hear is blah blah blah and you are wrong!
there are ignorant people around us and it's fine...
i can't say i'm not ignorant... so i believe if they don't want
to listen now...? it's not their time

second there are ones who hear it and celebrate but only last
for a little bit for they don't have any roots

i've seen and even i have experience the high of being
christian. at first you feel like God's listening to you
and you feel like little action that happens you are like
"God... your amazing... how did you know..."
but Christianity isn't like that, and i learned it the hard way
if you expect too much of God... there are many times
where your plan isn't God's plan... and you'll be disappointed...
but that shouldn't drive us away from our faith....
but many time... it does...

third... the thorns... that choke you...

so many things in this life wants you to be a
TERRIBLE christians... they want you to fail
they want you to fall in this race and never get up
and you are surrounded by these things constantly.
i am surrounded... constantly of things that i shouldn't be
doing... and sometimes wealth and things like partying
gets in the way of being ourselves.... being christian
and sometimes people fall in love with the world...
and you can't serve both world and God...
and usually if you love the world...
you love the world...

finally good soil!

it's said that crops can produce 30, 60 maybe 100 times
what has been sown. we have to listen to the words
and accept it... and love it....
the more you learn to love the more you'd want to share
it with others. it's hard at first... but why would you not
want to share this awesome gift of God's unending love
God's unending grace... with all your friends?
with all your neighbors... even people you don't
really like...

love your enemies as Jesus told us
let's be planted in the good soil....
and let's grow...

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