Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mar 7 - John 15:18-19

Is Christianity religion or chore for you?

this is first blog i'm going to do that's going to be a rant/a challenge to myself and maybe others. sometimes believe that people and even me see Christianity as a chore. we've all lived life as sinner before and it's so easy. even if you were born into lovely Christianity family that is very protective and conservative... after awhile when you see the outside world... you will see how easy it is... to live in the world if you go with the flow.

if you had a choice to swear... steal... lie... without feeling the... "i shouldn't be doing this because of the bible"... people sleep around without feeling any guilt... actually some people is proud of what they do. so what is christianity to you? do you do it because you want to make difference... you want to be the salt and light of the world for God. because also if you want to make difference... but you want to make difference for your own glory... that's also bad way to look at it... I think in all... basic idea of Christianity is an amazing idea and religion. everytime i talk about what i know about Christianity... love other... love is what matters... it's amazing what God does for us.

i believe Christianity is awesome... if we keep checking up on ourself... i'd like to put this

18"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it
hated me first. 19If you belonged to the world,
it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not
belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of
the world. That is why the world hates you.
- john 15:18-19

world will hate us and this life we lead... is going to be hard... always... but it's our job to keep our head high and lead on God... and think of Christianity as not religion or chore, but family... so that we can lean on each other.... and help one another... sometimes when i see Christians putting each other down... that's not right... i mean it's good to point out people's flaw for their growth... but there are times when people say things... when they really don't need to...

let's love...

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