Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 18 - Romans 8:38-39

“For I am convinced that neither 
death nor life, neither angels nor 
demons, neither the present nor 
the future, nor any powers, neither 
height nor depth, nor anything else 
in all creation, will be able to 
separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

it's incredible how the love God gives us is unending... and so incredible yet the love we give back is just so limited. God gives us everything even his only son but sometimes we don't even have it in our hearts to give our time to spend with him for quiet time.

i'm very guilty of this because there are so many times i find myself pushing quiet time back and back and sometimes not even doing it because exam is more important, because game is more fun, and things in that nature. it's natural and impoortant for us to give back to our maker and our savior and let's be a good christian and not forget about God... ever...

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