Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oct 5, 2010. Psalm 89:38-52

This psalm is actually from an unknown psalmist.
but people believe that he was around during fall of Israel. he first talks about how God is rejecting them in a bad time, yet at the end he glorify God by saying that he is with us.
As Christians one of the most important things we need to do is to glorify God in the dark time. just like the song blessed be your name, we need to just jump for joy and reach out to God during our bad time as we have to do the same during our good times. God has all the rights to take things away from us.
Sometimes we misinterpret delayed prayer to rejected prayer. sometimes we just have to be more patient and just love our God.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct 4. 2010, Psalm 89:19-37

in this quiet time it really talks about how much God cares for us. and how important it is to be with him. what he will do for us and how he will love us forever just like He loves king David. but the second part (v.30-37) is what gets me the most. it says that the sins won't go unpunished. he punishes because he loves us. he will never stop loving us but he corrects us because he loves us so much.
sometimes we complain to God about why we suffer, but we always sins and when we get punished we shouldn't beable to say anything. we deserve every little things that happen to us that's bad. God still loves us and in the big picture we will see that God gives us victory.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

importance of prayer

i started reading colossians recently for my devotional. i do quiet time with duranno (part of ounri (my church's mother church)) and it got to me. in the book Colossians Paul writes letter about colossians and he tells them that he prays for them. he never knew them he just knew the guy who went there and built the church there.
This got me really thinking. ever since jama, where i heard from Dr. Kanayama, when he answered a question "how do you know when God's telling you something?" he answered "if we pray to him a lot he talks to us and we know", just like if Alice called me i'd be like "hey alice" because i'd recognize her voice" we need to beable to recognize God's voice and really just believe in him. and to do all that we need to pray, and we really need to just pray about everything.
I always start out praying these days praying about myself and then friends and then church and then the world. there is so many things that we need to pray about and i really am ashamed about myself that i tend to not pray much.
These days i want to change that, i try to pray more and i try to reach out to God, because if we're reaching out to people first, then all we're doing is socializing. we're saying that we're evangelizing but we really aren't we are fufilling our selfish need of socialization. We need to reach out to God and really have a relationship with him. without that we are nothing.
God wants us to reach out to him and talk to him. God wants us to have a relationship with him. just like i call alice and talk to her we need to do that to God and really just get to know him and he will tell you what to do and what his will is.
i'll end with a quote i heard from someone who came back from haiti.
a pastor that's living in haiti was asked a question "why do you want to serve God in such a dangerous place as haiti?" and he answered "there's no safer place then God's will."
God has plan for all of us and if we have relationship with Him. everything will unfold

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Proverbs 22:6

“Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.”- Proverbs 22:6

christianity is a life that we choose to live. because of that we need to choose to live our lives for him. We need to grow and sometimes we are young and sometimes we're just baby spiritually and we need to learn to grow in him from the beginning and learn the basic. We need to be reminded of God's love and we should never turn from what we learned as we are young.
let's love...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5.11.2010 - Ephesians 4:32

“Be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving each other, just as in Christ God
forgave you.”- Ephesians 4:32

one of the major thing that Christ did for us is that he died for us and he died for our sin. he forgave us of our trespasses, which means we need to forgive others just as he forgave us.
As christians what we gotta do is that we need to become a different kind of people. we need to be different and one of these things is that we need to forgive others. It is very hard specially when people do wrong to you it's hard to forgive but we need to learn to forgive and to love.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4.14.2010 - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

When bad things happen we try to seek right information. and when we do have right information then we don't freak out. the qt today talked about a person in a plane, 15 minutes into flight the plane started to shaking and the pilot said the plane was having a trouble, but the flight attendent explained what was wrong and why they were going back to the airport, so the people in the plane didn't freak out or anything. Bible is the flight attendent that's giving us the right information and with that right information we can live our lives without freaking out. we can trust and believe God with all our hearts and we will be able to have a good ending.
death or second coming (which the verse talks about) is a very harsh topic in the real world. world ending or death should freak you out, but with God we should be happy. We love God and we trust in him, and let's live for him and we shall fear no more... (idealy... but we will always fear...)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

4.11.2010 - Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

what brings happiness?
in many movies or things say that glory, popularity or money brings you happiness. even the movie pursuit of happiness said at the end that pursuit of happiness is money goods, but something that is more worrying is that many people believes that, but it seems like people like tom brady to many people who does have a lot of money have said that they are missing something, someone who is earning crazy amount of money and that bought his offensive linemen escalades for winning the superbowl, said that they are missing something.
God's amazing love can only fill that spot. We as christian have something that many people look for even if they have more possession then us.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

4.10.2010 - Psalm 119:105

Today my verse for quiet time is Psalm 119 our punishment verse. It's a very humbling verse. We should be able to say all these things and really be able to love God.
God is the lamp to our feet and to show us the way through our paths. Sometimes we just can't see anything and God really just shows us and guides us through. we just gotta really trust God and be able to say things like he is our light for our paths.
trust God.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

4.7.2010 - Amos 5:21-27

This Bible study talks about how Amos described Israel as a stagnant pond. As we tend to reflect our wrong doing to Israel's tendency to love God then to stray away from him. what we gotta be is a river a refreshing stream of water that never stop moving so it never becomes stagnant. there is a huge difference between a quarry and a fresh mountain river.
We have to live our lives to be like the river a rushing river, but we tend to live our lives like a quarry more. We just gotta fix our eyes to God and really just live our lives and try to be the river, but we all know that because Jesus died for us we'll always be a rushing river even though we act like a quarry, but as we Love God we gotta live for him

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4.6.2010 - Luke 4:16-21

God is Here
Today in my quiet time i read about a story about this women who couldn't pay her dues and is going to be evicted. she wanted God's help but she felt like God really didn't do anything. she asked "where is God" and later on after the court house someone approached her and told her about how he knows God and he wants to help her after hearing her testimony.
I think one of the things we always say to God is "Where are you?" when God is always here for us. although we are such a sinner, God is still hear for us.
Just like "Job's song" we wonder if God can help us, but at the end God prevails.
We are here because God has a plan for us, and he will help us... because God is here right next to us, closer then the clothes we are wearing.

Monday, April 5, 2010

4.5.2010 - Revelation 5:8-14

Jesus dying for us is the biggest part of our life as christian, but something that we always forget or just don't try to think about. Jesus is coming back and we should be joyful. Jesus died for us and he loves us so much and he rose again. that was easter. We were sad, but joyful because of what Jesus has done for us.
He promised us for coming back and taking us all back to heaven. As we wait for that glorious day. Let's live for him

Sunday, April 4, 2010

4.4.2010 - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

“For Christ's love compels us, because
we are convinced that one died for all,
and therefore all died. And he died for
all, that those who live should no longer
live for themselves but for him who died
for them and was raised again.”- 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Happy easter everyone, For everyone this day is a celebration of us all. because Jesus died for us and now we can live forever with him.

We tend to live for ourselves many times. even though we ask God "Is this your way" there is crossing fingers and many other things wanting us to have it easier. we want God to plan our lives our way so that we'll receive success. We gotta be less selfish and really beable to live our lives for him. in verse 15 it talks about how we should stop living our lives for our self, but be able to live for him who died and live again. He gave us eternal life and we should give our all to him

Saturday, April 3, 2010

4.3.2010 - Heart of Worship

The story of Heart of Worship is about Matt Redman's church, which focused too much on the music part of the worship and nothing else.
he wrote the song talking about coming back to the heart of worship. it's a song that touch my heart many times as worship leader. it is all about God and sometimes I forget that and this song is the song that gets me thinking right again. I know i have been really bad with this blog thing, but I'm coming back to worshiping you the right way. not infront of many people singing and playing guitar but to start here in my room with Him.
when the music fades I'll bring him more then a song... but a worship from my heart

Monday, February 1, 2010

2.1.2010 - Romans 9:1-29

These verses seems to be talking about God's wrath and God's promises. There are so many times when people blame God and there are also times when people just nit pick around God. and talking back to God. It seems like there are so many times when i feel like verse 19 and really questioning God. but I'm not in that place to be talking like that. it just seem like God tends to be the first thing that we tend to blame for things we can't control. we need to really love God and need to stop blaming God.

Monday, January 18, 2010

1.18.2010 - Romans 8:28-39

I advise to read these passages yourselves really. it just shows God's love quite well. the last verses were so powerful it was just wow.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." v.38-39
is just so powerful. it shows that nothing in this world can separate us from God.
As whole these verses talks about how we need to live our life for God. and talks about how if God is on our side who can be against us. Sometimes we really do take Godly work such as small group leading or praise band and speically praise band leading as a chore. Sometimes there are so many people who unwillingly do the work of God. I sometimes do feel like I'm guilty of that, but we should be joyous. if God's on our side who can be against us? God is amazing and he is so strong that... we don't need anything else.
God loves us so much that he gave his one and only son for us!
What kind of love is that? love so amazing and love never ending. we should easily beable to give up our worldly things for a such amazing God we have.
'nothing in this world can separate us from God.' So let's be joyous and love God back and really give back to the most awesome God.

Friday, January 15, 2010

1.16.2010 - Romans 8:18-27

today at friday night we sang "We can not say enough" and it talks about how soemtimse we cant describe the love of christ and we ask God to listen to our hearts
last verses really talks about that and more. We don't know what we want to pray about, but the holy spirit really guides us to what we want to pray about. it just shows how much we need to surrender our selfs for God.
we gotta love God and really give our all to God.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

1.9.2010 - Romans 8:1-17

From these passages i learned that there is a great reason why it's hard living according to God's words. We are suffering mere little part of suffering that Jesus had to go through for the salvation of us. We share just that little part so that we can share on all the glory that Jesus gave us for dieing and rising from the dead again.
He is our savior and we should live for him not according to sin. Feels like i need to really live for God and not for sinful nature of myself. people who believe in Jesus. our body is dead, but our spirit is alive through God
So let's love and live for God